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          Production base: no.359, Huaihe West Road, Huaiyin District, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province
          Administrative center: 5-101, Juyi capital, Huaihai West Road, qingjiangpu District, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province
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          Huaian ChangJiang Hydraulic Machinery Co.,Ltd
          What is the pressure measuring principle of piston gear pump pressure gauge?
          Joining time: 2021/1/5 8:52:56   Click: 1871
          The plunger type pressure gauge is composed of plunger, balance spring, pointer and dial. The plunger is connected with the system pressure, and the calibration unit of the dial is psi (bar).
          Working principle of plunger gear pump pressure gauge: when the system pressure rises, the pressure acts on the piston to overcome the balance force of the spring and push the piston to move, which makes the pointer connected with the piston indicate the corresponding pressure value on the dial. The measuring system of plunger pressure gauge is economical and durable
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          Website keywords:Hydraulic gear pump、Synchronous motor、Power unitGear pump
          Copyright: Huaian ChangJiang Hydraulic Machinery Co.,Ltd    Mob:15061219868 13094924989     Tel:0517-83787358
          Fax:0517-83791115     E-mail:mzy651002@163.com     Web:m.strongerdoge.com
          Website record No.: Su icp 13044684-1
          Working hours: Monday to Sunday(8:00-18:00)
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